Albert Square: Brunch Menu

HOME ➜ MANCHESTER ➜ ALBERT SQUARE ➜ MENUS ➜ MAIN MAIN MENU To access the menus in PDF format, simply click on the provided link, and you can conveniently download and save them for later reference. (**) Not vegetarian as dish contains shrimp paste Vegetarian Vegan...

Wimbledon: Kids Menu

HOME ➜ LONDON ➜ WIMBLEDON ➜ MENUS ➜ KIDS KIDS MENU BUDDHIST MONK PLATE Free. With this you get a plate with your own cutlery and you will get food from the grown-ups on your tablePlease note: Buddhist monks are traditionally silent, or at least very quiet! (**) Not...

Fitzrovia: Kids Menu

HOME ➜ LONDON ➜ FITZROVIA ➜ MENUS ➜ KIDS KIDS MENU BUDDHIST MONK PLATE Free. With this you get a plate with your own cutlery and you will get food from the grown-ups on your tablePlease note: Buddhist monks are traditionally silent, or at least very quiet! (**) Not...

Tampopo: Kids Menus

HOME ➜ MENUS ➜ KIDS MENUS KIDS MENU BUDDHIST MONK PLATE Free. With this you get a plate with your own cutlery and you will get food from the grown-ups on your tablePlease note: Buddhist monks are traditionally silent, or at least very quiet! (**) Not vegetarian as...